One Day Workshop
Have you ever wished or asked for something to change in your life? A relationship, a health issue, your money flows? Yet, no matter how hard you tried, you didn’t see the change you somehow knew was possible?
Well, what if one day could change your whole life? What if creating new possibilities and happiness was easy once you had the right toolbox to change things?
We would love to have you at a 1 day workshop that Monisha Assudani will be facilitating soon on something called Access Bars.
What is Access Bars? ‘The Bars’ is a touch point therapy that quiets the mind, brings us back into balance and creates ease, peace and a sense of well-being similar to a massage or meditation, except so much more.
What’s class like? One day. A ton of tools. Choose what works for you. Receive 2 sessions of bars. Give 2 sessions. Get a manual full of questions, techniques and a whole new toolbox of change. Breathe. Relax. Get Clarity. Be empowered to change anything!
What are the benefits of having your Bars ‘run’?
FUN, PEACE, JOY & EASE in every aspect of your life
People or situations that once ‘drove you nuts’ no longer bother you or cause problems
Release stress, anxiety, and depression (depression vanishes for many after just 1 session)
An easier time for kids and adults in SOCIAL and ACADEMIC and EMOTIONAL situations
In this class, you will learn:
Tools and techniques to create change in whatever area of your life you are looking for
How to ‘run’ bars; you will receive two Bars® sessions AND gift 2 sessions. No prerequisites are required – just the willingness to learn something new. After you complete the class you will be qualified to give Access Bars® to others which may include your family, friends and/or clients (8 CEU’s available for massage therapists.)What is it you’ve always known should be possible but have never been able to find?
Let’s explore what else is truly possible!
Great Things Come to Those Who Don’t Wait!
Access Consciousness Bars Workshop
Saturday, December 7, 2024
10 AM to 6.30 PM
Investment: S$590 (adult)
*For children between 16-17 years, the fee would be S$295. Free for children below 15 years.
ACCESS BARS are 32 points on the head when gently touched and run, have the capacity to stop the chatter in the head, change your life and bring a lot more joy & ease!
Different areas of life like money, relationship, creativity, peace, calm, ageing, health and more open up. It’s like running an anti virus on a computer system which deletes all the unwanted files creating more space and ease. It also helps with focus, studies, better health and letting go of limitations, these are only just a few of the benefits.. What else is possible?
What happens in the One Day Access Bars™ Class?
Learn the 32 Bars points
Learn a Powerful Clearing Statement
You get a manual
You learn 3 body processes
Gift & Receive the Bars twice
After completing the class you will be a Certified Bars Practitioner
The following links will give you an idea about bars, testimonials and scientifically proven benefits.
Some Testimonials from Adult Students of Access Bars:
Thanks Monisha for bringing Access into my life. I was very curious about running the Bars and wonder how difficult it will be, but it turn out to be very simple and easy and thanks for being very patient to answer every of my questions — Bala
I just want to say thanks so much; how does one say thank you for getting me out of my depression. I wanted to kill myself, now each day I embrace life. Thanks for giving me back my life –Sally
The Access Bars Workshop has opened up the myriad of possibilities in many spheres of my life! Thank you, Monisha. One sure thing that I experienced that I am calmer now and more patient and rarely quick tempered. I am more grounded and confident that I can do something positive to lend a hand to those around me. My children are less sickly, appear more loving and focused. Another plus that came about running the bars is that I have no more qualms with my mother whom I had issues with since a child. I feel peaceful talking or being next to her instead of being flustered in the past. In gratitude, N.N.
The Trainer
Monisha Assudani is a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator, Access Body Process Facilitator, a Certified NGH Hypnotherapist and a Reiki Master. She is also trained in other Access Body Processes, EMF Balancing, EFT. Energetic Access Facial Lift and Crystal Reiki. She has been Facilitating Healing for the past 19 years. She empowers you to know what you already know.
Access goes beyond positive thinking. There is nothing to believe in or buy into. It is about clearing what no longer works for you and creating space for new possibilities. We all have our own TRUTH. By tapping into YOUR awareness, you can create the life YOU desire!
Access Consciousness offers easy to use tools and processes that can change ANYTHING in your life.
To register for this course, please call our office at 6-734-5581.
You may also WhatsApp your questions to us.