Fauziah Shah, Director

Fauziah Shah, M.Sc. (Liverpool) M.A. (NUS), BCH, CI, CPHI
Tel: 65-9-100-0432
Email: fauziahshah@gmail.com
National Guild of Hypnotists Board Certified Hypnotherapist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI), Certified Professional Hypnotherapy Instructor of 5PATH® & 7th Path® Self Hypnosis (CPHI), 5-PATH® Certified Hypnotherapist, 7th Path® Self-Hypnosis Certified Teacher of the Basic, Advanced and Ultimates 1 Recognitions, IACT/ IMDHA Certified Hypnotherapist and Master Trainer, EMDR Therapist
Fauziah Shah is the Founder and Director of PETRA.
Fauziah is recognized as a pioneer in the field of hypnosis and hypnotherapy in Singapore, having seen thousands of clients since 2004 and training hypnotherapists since 2006. She is the founding President of Singapore’s only hypnosis association, the Association of Hypnosis Professionals (Singapore), from September 2015 to March 2018, and an elected President from March 2018 to March 2021 and January 2022 to May 2024.

She has professional credentials and expertise in hypnotherapy , counselling, and psychotherapy. She holds a Master of Science degree in Mental Health Psychology from the University of Liverpool (UK) and a Master of Arts degree in English, with special emphasis on Learning Disorders from the National University of Singapore. She is a Certified Professional Hypnotherapy Instructor, Certified Master Trainer, and a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Senior Counsellor. She has received international awards in Professional Leadership and Trainer of the Year in the field of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Fauziah is the recipient of the rare Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) title from the world’s oldest hypnosis organization, National Guild of Hypnotists in 2006, which shows her expertise and advanced skills in hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Fauziah has personally helped thousands of clients in her career.
Fauziah uses Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, EMDR, and/or EFT to help her clients overcome their issues/challenges in a multitude of areas, which includes (but not limited to): Stress, Anxiety & Depression; Grief & Loss; Relationship Issues; Sleep; Focus & Concentration & Memory Loss; Fears, Phobias & Overwhelming Negativity; Pain Issues (perceived or real); Psychosomatic Ailments. If your specific challenge is not listed, please do check with Fauziah, as she may be able to help you.
As a Master Hypnosis Trainer, Fauziah conducts the Professional Hypnosis Certification courses at PETRA Hypnosis. Fauziah has trained a significant number of practicing hypnotherapists in Singapore, as well as hypnotherapists from around the world such as from Malaysia, Indonesia, India, France, UK, Germany and Bahrain.
Some of the courses that Fauziah regularly conducts include:
- NGH approved Basic to Advanced Hypnotherapy Certification (5 PATH ® Hypnotherapy & 7th Path ® Self Hypnosis Teacher Certification)
- NGH approved Advanced Hypnotherapy Certification (5 PATH ® Hypnotherapy & 7th Path ® Self Hypnosis Teacher Certification)
- NGH Certification Course
- 7th Path Self-hypnosis Practitioners Basic Course
- 7th Path Self-hypnosis Practitioners Advanced Course
- 7th Path Self-hypnosis Practitioners Ultimates Course I
- Corporate Courses: Stress Management, Time Management, Health Management, Work Place Stress & Anxiety Management, Secret Language of Feelings, Grief & Loss management, and other motivational courses that are tailor made for corporate clients
Fauziah actively promotes hypnosis and hypnotherapy in Singapore and around the world. She also gives back to society regularly by accepting one to two hour speaking assignments free of charge to help create an awareness for the need to be healthy not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Fauziah has created a meetup group for this purpose; to disseminate knowledge in hypnosis and related fields, by conducting free seminars or discounted workshops for the public. The link to this meetup group is: Singapore Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Group