our hypnotherapy trainer
About Our HypnoBirthing Trainer
When I was pregnant, though excited, I felt lost and overwhelmed with information. The biggest uncertainty I had was on the delivery itself. Was it going to be painful? Were there going to be any complications? How was a baby even going to come out of me? I knew that I was not alone as many mummies have had the same thoughts. And you are not alone either.
Back then I did a Google search and found an article on Kate Middleton’s easy natural birth. It got me curious
Through research and recommendations, my husband and I decided to take up the course on HypnoBirthing and we never looked back. HypnoBirthing cleared the doubts I had on childbirth and provided me with the knowledge and confidence I needed to prepare for my natural birt
My beautiful and positive birth experience made me realise that what we tend to hear about birthing from mainstream media leaves much to be desired. This gives me the conviction that more women should hear the other side of the story.
Hypnobirthing is as much a philosophy of birth as it is a technique for achieving a satisfying, relaxing birth. This program teaches you and your birthing companion the art and joy of experiencing birth in a more comfortable manner. You will learn to call upon your body’s own natural relaxant, lessening or eliminating discomfort and the need for medication. When a woman is properly prepared for childbirth with her mind and body in harmony, nature is free to function as intended.
And this brings me to the latest chapter of my story, as a HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator, I hope to empower more women to get the birthing experience they deserve and desire. Many HypnoBirthing mothers do report having painless births. I am one of them. Why not you?
To achieve this, I offer HypnoBirthing classes in Singapore, conducted in English and Mandarin, both face-to-face as well as virtual classes. I am here to help and support you as you embark on your amazing journey.
The best decision you can make is to be informed.
Any questions? Call me for a complimentary Birth Consultation.
Clear some of your questions, doubts or fears about preparing for your baby’s birth with me.
通过研究和推建,我和丈夫决定报读有关催眠分娩的课程。 催眠分娩消除了我对分娩的疑虑。课程给了我为准备自然分娩所需的知识和信心。